Friday, May 2, 2008


Click on the Play Button and watch Satender Chauhan's reprot telecast by ZEE TV.आइये कटे होठ कटे तालू वाले बच्चों की मदद करेऔर उनके चेहरे पर मुस्कान फैलाने-लौटाने का पर्यास करें .It was difficult when we (Ambala Police,Haryana,India) first conceived the idea of building bridges with the public through a very positive and kindly gesture. The call from Governor House in Dehradun in July 2005 set the ball rolling. His Excellency Mr. Sudarshan Aggarwal called me and wife Chander Koumdi to entrust the task of employing the services of an American NGO SMILE TRAIN in identifying and encouraging for free surgery, the parents of the children born with cleft lip and cleft palate. And there was no looking back. Dr. Abrol and Dr. Obed deserve all the credit besides Smile Train and some very dedicated police officials. Our thanks are due to ZEE TV who featured this programme. Information about the children can be given to us on or call up +919988436611.


ranbir singh said...

ommendable job . cohld not hear the voice of Vedio.Want to know a bit more details.


ranbir singh said...

Sorry for spelling mistakes in earlier post.
Really commendable job. Could not hear the voice of Vedio. Want to know a bit more details.


sushilmanav said...

Only Rajbir Deswal could have done it.
Sushil Manav

aloke lal said...

Rajbir, I find your Blog an interesting one. I am also impressed by the breadth of varying interests you have.
I am a 1975 IPS officer, currently serving in U'khand as DG. I am a painter, have held one-man painting exhibitions twice, I write columns for newspapers though rather irregularly, and I am very fond of theatre and music. I have played cricket for my University (IIT Roorkee) and also played TT and Billiards for the PG teams there.
This is an invitation to you for planning a trip to Uttarakhand this summer. It will be great to meet you.
Best of luck. AlokeLal

Rajbir Deswal said...

Its really a very heavenly feeling to know people who are so very accomplished...writers,painters,music lovers,artists,sportsmen,bureaucrats,parents and aobve all human beings...I will meet you soon...maybe on my way to Naintal ATI where I may be going as Faculty sometime in the third week of June.
Is your blog under construction for it does not give any details after the Introduction.
Thanks and regards

amit chaudhary said...

Its been 9 years to me in journalism . i seen many policemen who have enthusiasm but never come across with their thaughts to society as passionantly as i seen in this blog. i must say that blogs have given new breath to flow of info in our society. keep bloging carry on to share your thaughts so a consciences could be braught on a platform to build new India.