Sunday, July 8, 2007

Taj on top of the World

On his visit to India, the then US President Bill Clinton,while addressing the Lower and the Upper Houses of Parliament had said that the world was divided into two of those who had seen the Taj and the other of those who hadn't...

I had then weaved an encounter between Clinton and Taj-builder King Shahjehan which was published in The Pioneer. Here is the piece...

All by himself Shahjehan the great Moughal emperor walks on the grassy lawns in front of the Taj Mahal with a flower in his hands wearing his imperial robe. He is waiting for someone. The name of the visitor is announced and Bill Clinton arrives on the scene. Shahjehan expects him to bow before in Sijda but Clinton offers his hand. Shahjehan kisses his hand and offers him to sit on a concrete bench where millions and millions have posed for a photograph. Both sit on the bench and Shahjehan assures the apprehensive Clinton that the paparazzi can not come near them and click them for sale to interested editors of the tabloids of the West. “What about the Indian press, His Highness? Asks Clinton. ”Don”t worry they are all busy with Deepa Mehta! ”Informs Shahjehan.

Shahjehan begins talking.” Infact I was quite happy to notice you say to the Darbaris, they call them M.P.s these days, that the world was divided in two halves of those who had seen the Taj and those who hadn’t. I was happier to hear you say that you were going to be on the happier side eof the divide since you had scheduled to pay a visit to the Taj. And naturally it was to be so. I can not think of a man in the world who loves and is ignorant about Taj, which is love concretised, marbled, metamorphosed. However Mr.Prezi, I think I am I right in placing you, it would have been all the more better if you had brought your wife along because it is here that she could have come to terms with you and decided to stay with you in your White-Mahal, and you would have been saved of the embarrassment caused to you by snooping lensmen who take your shots with the royal Buddy and publish in newspapers. But I am told this has generated a sympathy wave for you there in your country.”

An amazed Clinton looks agape in the face of Shahjehan and quizzes, ”But how Your Majesty, you know all this now being almost a man in another world, joined perhaps with your lady love for whom you created the grammar of love in creating the Taj. I’ll ask the C.I.A. boys to learn a few tips from your system of “information and...!And Your Majesty, could you please elaborate on as to what isnpired to build such a fine mausoleum? Was it love alone? Really? I am told you had hundreds of women in your, what do they call it, hum m m, Harem! And Your Majesty, I have heard of certain poets as well who blamed you for having created the Taj only to make fun at their cost since being poor they could not please their beloveds in such an extravagant manner as you did…!”

“Let me tell you, Mr.Prez that there have been critics of the marble, meaning thereby the cost of Taj but there has been none who has criticised it as a symbol of love and I know of a poet who had gone to the extent of calling it a token given to me to the world to symbolise love in all its forms. Since its creation, lovers have sworn by Taj. And your being present here confirms this belief.” Now Mr.Prez if you have come to ask personal questions, would you, rest assured I am not going to tell it to anybody since I live in my grave and peep out of it only once in while, tell me what was that Mohtarma story which generated.

“Oh! Jesus! Your Majesty that is an old story. You know the people. They will be the same all the world over. But shouldn’t we be above all these things? Pleaded Clinton and Shahjehan preferring not to embarrass a guest in perfect Indian traditions gave an altogether new turn to the discussion. “ Well, Mr. Prez I have been hearing stories all these years from the guides that I had intended to build another Taj in black marble on the other side of Jamuna there…!” And Shahjehan points to a direction with Clinton looking as guided, Shahjehan requests,”With all those resources at your command and the world being on your side today and you being the king of the world, can you attempt making the Taj of the guides” dreams there at that site?

Clinton did not know how to wriggle out of the situation when the most powerful king of his times, begged of him a favour –creation of another symbol of love. And this time a black one. He said, ” Your Majesty, next time I come to India, I hope Ill be able to persuade Hillary to come along and then we can surely decide to consider the proposal. Maybe she gets inspired and chimes in! Till then you can be content with my assurance that I may atleast for myself, call my own residence there in my country, The White Mahal.”

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