I love the way rains got their callings; From drizzle, showers, down pour to torrents. Nothing to beat our Hindustani titles; रिम-झिम, किन-मिन, टापुर-टुपुर, तडा- तड (rim-jhim, kin-min, tapur-tupur, tada-tad.) Moosla-Dhar ( मूसलाधार )comes close to raining cats and dogs while pitter-patter to tapur- tupur टापुर-टुपुर,!!! It rains Meenh (मींह) in dialects. But Haryanvis also exclaim enquiring about rains if “Ram ji barsyaa!” (राम जी बरस्या!)!”
Rains, rains on their way. It rained the whole nigh like it pours sometimes. Tip tip tap tap tup tup tapak ...!!!
Rains, rains on their way. It rained the whole nigh like it pours sometimes. Tip tip tap tap tup tup tapak ...!!!
टिप टिप टुप टुप टप टप टपक टपक
Nature's best poem is rain. As a kid as and when it rained I used to roam aimlessly in streets and play with tadpoles which emerged from nowhere. Growing up whenever it rained, I loved to sit on a broken chair on rooftop and it was a heavenly feeling to be one-to-one with rain and thunder at the same time. I was scolded many a times that I might catch cold or get fever, never did I - onus of care lied on rains. Two rain songs bring back some special memories - Rim Zhim gire Sawan and Bhigi Bhi rato mei. As many names as are rain-drops, Call it by any name there will be nothing soothing and nourishing than this outpouring of nature....Cheers!!!
e pic. did u take it?
i meant nice pic.
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