Sunday, June 13, 2010

What is the Hindi word for HONESTY?

Forgive me friends for I too cannot think of any Hindi word for honesty. When I mulled it over with a lot of mental gymnastics I threw it open to the house finding myself cornered by a small bug called diglossia . And my explanation is that we Indians have never known dishonest means of deceit while cohabiting, socialising and carrying on business; hence we could not historically coin a usage that tantamounts to an expression which you all referred to by different callings be it SATYANISHTHA, SACHRITRATA,SACHHAEE,AKHANDTA,RITUJA,ARJAV,SATYATA,NAYAYIKTA,KHARAPAN,NISHKAPAT-TA,SATYVADITA,NISHKAAM,PROBITY,RIGHTEOUSNESS,FAIRNESS,FRANKNESS,CHASTITY,TRUTHFULNESS ,HONEST INTENT ETC ETC. We have never been dishonest and the concept of practising HONESTY was never a felt need. Thank you for your contribution and patience too. And all the more important—for confirming my faith in my belief. Now don’t you please say that in India you have nothing that is called HONESTY but that Indians never felt the need to phrase their dishonest disposition, for they had none! Is there any safe corner where I can hide(fearing your ire) till some really honest and ‘friend- indeed’ calls me back . Whooooossshhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

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