Wednesday, July 7, 2010

His Masters' Choice

His Masters’ Choice
By: Rajbir Deswal
The ongoing fight over the ownership of a dog in Panchkula has interesting goingson to watch. The issue being sub judice, I wouldn’t comment but I can’t help sharing what a dog soliloquised during my evening stroll yesterday:
To be owned, or not to be,
by Armymen or bureaucrats,
is the question.
Whether it’s canine,
to be loyal to one,
face, court-n-cops,
DNA and micro chips,
be high on media hype,
or to spread out c-laws,
and raise the voice,
be cross-examined,
tuck the tail in hinds,
sit on haunches thru trial,
and wait with salivating tongue,
to be declared,
His Master’s Choice.
O’ to regain my straying here-n-there!
Everywhere. And rule the lanes.
Unlike those fatty sleep O’ nites,
With pats, bones n bites,
Who shall on leash remain.
O’ my tail, though taut n curling,
Thou hast always known,
Straightness of sagacious counsel.
What is in a name?
That which they call a Leo,
Might sound as unpredictable,
Or—a Marshall, as lowly,
If love not be there,
And instinctive friendliness,
My calling will be the same.
Otherwise O’ wisemen listen,
I miss my day when on couch I lay,
Brooding over my intent,
Put to test and question,
feeling shamed at my predicament,
Of a joy claimed not by one,
And not the only one, but two.
Though the world knows,
And all beings there to,
That we are known,
As the Watch-dogs,
And not to be watched,
With museum interest, or zoo!


AnilM said...


CrapSoul said...

Reminded me of Dalai Lama's dog test to gauge about human personality. As per this test the way you describe a dog shows about your personality traits. Nicely written poetic piece!!! Going axially, I believe that a dog is the owner of his master's thoughts. Master controls dog relents and then it becomes a habit to satisfy his master and therein I believe lies the knots of the riddle that a dog owns the master. To me Kahlil Gibran's dog was free of any emotional leash when he said that - Free indeed when your days are not without a care nor your nights without a want and a grief. If wishes were horses I crave to be a dog of my dreams...Alas!!!